four “terrorists” from Lebanon were killed by the Israeli army

The war between Israel and Hamas entered its hundredth day on Sunday, January 14, despite international calls for a truce in the conflict. While thehe exchanges of fire are becoming more and more frequent on the border between the Israeli army and the Lebanese Hezbollah, ally of Hamas, four terrorists were killed by the IDF during the night from Saturday to Sunday. According to the Israeli army, they had infiltrated from Lebanon before“start the fire” on his soldiers. Follow our live stream.

Thousands of demonstrators in Washington and London called for a ceasefire in Gaza. Several thousand demonstrated on Saturday in Washington and London in support of the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip, demanding a cease-fire “immediate” and castigating the support given to Israel by the United States and Great Britain. In Tel Aviv, several thousand Israelis also expressed their pain and solidarity with the Hamas hostages. Not far away, around a hundred people demonstrated to call for an end to the war, brandishing signs. “no to occupation” And “revenge is not victory”.

A video of Emmanuel Macron broadcast during the demonstration in Tel Aviv. The French head of state called on Saturday to “resuming negotiations again and again to (there) release” Hamas hostages, in a video posted on social networks and during a rally in Tel Aviv in support of the hostages. “The French nation is determined that (…) all hostages from the terrorist attacks of October 7 are released. France does not abandon its children. This is why we must resume negotiations for their release again and again.” the president said.

Namibia criticizes Berlin’s position before the ICJ. This southern African country, a former German colony where the first genocide of the 20th century took place, deplored on Saturday evening the positioning of Berlin which this week rejected the accusation of “genocide” brought against Israel by South Africa before the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Regretting “Germany’s inability to learn the lessons of its terrible history”Namibian President Hage Geingob believes “shocking” this decision.

The Gaza Strip still being shelled. The Israeli army continues to shell the Gaza Strip, where at least 60 people were killed on Saturday, according to the Hamas health ministry. The IDF, for its part, said it struck dozens of Hamas positions, including rocket launchers “ready to use” and a “command post” of Hamas in the central Gaza Strip. At least four “terrorists” were killed during airstrikes on Khan Younes, the main city in the south of this territory, where the fighting is concentrated.

source site-24