four ships loaded with 170,000 tons of agricultural goods left the ports of Odessa and Chornomorsk

Three ships left from the Chornomorsk port, a fourth from the port of Odessa.

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Food convoys continue. Four ships loaded with grain left the ports of Odessa in the southwest of the country and Chornomorsk, 40 kilometers from Odessa, Sunday August 7, according to the Ukrainian authorities. It is one ship less than what was announced by the Joint Coordination Center on Saturday, which oversees operations from Istanbul (Turkey). The boats Mustafa Necati, Star Helena, Glory and Riva Windcontain “about 170 000 tons of goods related to agriculture”, said the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine on Telegram. Three freighters left from Chornomorsk, the fourth from Odessa.

the first ship to leave Ukraine on Monday, the “Razoni” carrying 26,000 tons of corn, was expected this Sunday in Lebanon, before being finally delayed. The Ukrainian embassy in Lebanon did not specify a new arrival date.

These departures of grain cargo ships are permitted by two agreements signed by Russia and Ukraine on Friday July 22, sponsored by Turkey and the United Nations. They allow the export of Ukrainian cereals despite the war, as well as the export of Russian agricultural products despite Western sanctions.

Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Thursday February 24milletlions of tons of grain were blocked, even though the country is one of the world’s leading producers, like Russia. This blockage has caused food prices to soar in the poorest countries and raised fears of a global food crisis.

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