four questions about the “Ocean Viking”, the rescue boat of SOS Méditerranée

Deputy RN Grégoire de Fournas was suspended for fifteen days for racist remarks in the National Assembly, during an intervention by Carlos Martens Bilongo, elected LFI from Val-d’Oise. The latter then challenged the government on the fate of the migrants present on board theocean vikingwhich could not find a home port.

This ship of the NGO SOS Méditerranée, which operates in partnership with the International Federation of the Red Cross, is not the only one to carry out rescue operations. In total, more than 1,000 migrants trying to reach Europe are currently on theocean viking and other rescue boats at sea. Franceinfo takes stock of the situation.

1What is this ship?

Built in 1986, theocean viking was originally designed for support missions in the North Sea, for the oil and gas industry. Chartered by SOS Méditerranée since 2019, it has already carried out several cruises off Libya. This ship took over from theAquariuswhich operated between 2016 and 2018. In total, the association says it has rescued more than 35,000 people in six years.

L’ocean viking is notably equipped with three lifeboats, a medical area, a mortuary room and containers fitted out for everyday life. Each mission mobilizes a coordinator and his deputy, as well as eleven rescuers. A medical team of seven to eight people is also present on board, in order to provide care to the survivors.

2Who is on board now?

A total of 234 people are on board, at sea, and waiting to be able to dock. Among them, “a three-month-old baby, 52 minors”said Xavier Lauth, director of operations for SOS Méditerranée, on RMC. “They just had a pretty terrible night, with extremely strong winds. They took the rain, the swell, they are cold, he added. According to him, “a lot of sick people” are on the boat after “a very hard night” and thirteen days of waiting on board.

Moreover, supplies are running out. “Rescued passengers are calm, although some are beginning to show signs of seasickness”explained to AFP a photographer present on board. “Today is exactly two weeks since the first rescue operation.” Many survivors present “signs of torture, sexual violence and abuse due to their stay in Libya”also explains the NGO.

3Why is it stuck at sea?

L’ocean viking is currently off Sicily and is still looking for a port to dock. The NGO first sent a request to Libya and Italy, without obtaining a response. Libya, in any case, cannot offer “safe harbor”, says Xavier Lauth. The Italian Interior Minister, Matteo Piantedosi, had also announced a directive to warn the police forces and the authorities that the government was considering banning entry into the territorial waters of theocean viking and Geo Barents.

The two ships have not received official communication on such a decision, but “they nevertheless face a total blockage on the high seas and an implicit ban on entering Italian ports”, specifies SOS Méditerranée. This one therefore requested France, Spain and Greece. “This blockade at sea is not just a disgrace, it is also a flagrant violation of international maritime law and humanitarian law”comments Nicola Stalla, coordinator at SOS Méditerranée. “Any additional day of waiting could have fatal consequences.”

According to the Italian Interior Ministry, 85,991 people arrived by sea in Italy between January 1 and November 2, half of whom are nationals from Tunisia, Egypt and Bangladesh. And since the start of the year, 1,765 migrants have disappeared in the Mediterranean, including 1,287 in the central Mediterranean, the most dangerous migratory route in the world, according to the International Organization for Migration.

4Will he find a home port?

Paris reacted on Friday through the voice of Gérald Darmanin, its interior minister. Asked about BFMTV, the latter asked Rome to respect international law: “When a boat asks to dock with shipwrecked people on board, it is the nearest safest port that must accommodate it, in this case Italy.” According to him, France is ready “obviously taking part of the women and children, as we have done previously”so that Italy does not bear alone “the burden of this arrival”.

Italy ended up granting, on Friday, a safe port to the ship of the German NGO SOS Humanity. Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani announced that the ship Humanity 1 headed for Catania. As soon as he arrives in the harbor of this Sicilian port, doctors will come on board to check the state of health of the 179 migrants he has rescued in the Mediterranean.

Xavier Lauth, for his part, calls for the establishment of a European mechanism to manage these issues, in order to avoid too long negotiations each time people are rescued at sea. “A mechanism could make it possible to relieve coastal States, which are particularly affected by this situation, and to carry out safe landings, which we do not currently have”he said on RMC.

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