four questions about the massive inflation strikes crippling the country

They are called the “strikes of anger”. Since the beginning of the summer, the United Kingdom has been affected by a series of days of mobilization against inflation, which is hitting the country more severely than its neighbors in Europe. The movement increased on Thursday August 18, with massive walkouts. Many sectors, including transport, have called for a strike to obtain wage increases. Von Friday, the London Underground was nearly completely paralyzed and on Saturday, only one in five trains circulates in the country. In June, 50,000 train drivers had already gone on strike to denounce “thousands of layoffs planned”.

Why are prices soaring? What are the employees asking for? How long can mobilization last? Response elements.

Why is inflation so high?

Inflation reached 10.1% across the Channel in July – against 6.1% in France – and could reach 13% in October, a level not reached for 30 years. The United Kingdom is thus the G7 country with the highest inflation. This general increase of the price sexplained mainly by the explosion energy tariffs, in connection with the war in Ukraine.

Unlike France, the United Kingdom has not implemented any tariff shield on gas and electricity prices. British households have thus been hit hard. Thousands of Britons are also threatening to stop paying their bills from October 1 if prices do not come down.

What are the demands of the employees?

The striking employees are demanding salary increases at the level of inflation, that is to say 13%. Their claim has so far not found an echo. Railway workers refused an offer to increase wages by 8%made by the private company Network Rail, in exchange for their consent to reforms to modernize the company. The unions accuse the private company of actually wanting to carry out massive layoffs.

In London’s public transport, weighed down by the Covid-19 pandemic and seeking lasting financing solutions, employees are also striking to ensure that jobs, the pension scheme and working conditions will be maintained.

How do politicians react?

Transport Minister Grant Shapps criticized the unions for refusing Network Rail’s 8% offer without putting it to the vote of their members. “If only the union bosses made this offer to their members, I’m pretty sure this strike would be over”he commented on the microphone of the BBC.

Liz Truss, favorite in the race to succeed Boris Johnson in Downing Streetalso accused the unions of blocking the situation. “As Prime Minister, I will not allow our country to be held to ransom by militant trade unionists“, she said in a tweet. The conservative has promised that she will crack down harder on the strike when she becomes prime minister.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan accuses the Conservative government of deliberately pushing (unions) to strike in London”. Labor also said it understood the strikers’ demands, although it did not support the movement. “I think strikes are a sign of failure, but it’s important to understand the frustrations and concerns of transport workers”he said on Sky News (in English).

How long should these strikes last?

The general secretary of the union Maritime and Transport (RMT), Mick Lynch, warned that the railway workers’ strike could “continue indefinitely” if no satisfactory agreement is found. At Felixtowe, the country’s largest cargo port, dockworkers filed eight days’ strike notice from Sunday. This mobilization threatens to bring a large part of the UK’s freight traffic to a standstill. This port had not experienced a strike since 1989.

“I think the British public are tired of being ripped off by this government and by British businesses, with companies like BP and British Gas making huge profits while people are struggling to make a living”said Mick Lynch Saturday on the BBC (in English).

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