four questions about the launch day in Marcoussis

Emmanuel Macron launches, Thursday, September 8, his National Council for Refoundation (CNR) in Marcoussis (Essonne). The President of the Republic, who constantly presents this initiative as a tool for “revitalization” of politics, will still have to convince. The detractors of the CNR denounce a “thingy” who “substitutes” in Parliament. Many unions and opposition parties have also decided to shun the meeting. Franceinfo summarizes what you need to know about this launch day.

1What is the goal of the day?

The Elysée wishes “revitalize” French democracy with this National Council for Refoundation. It’s about finding “a new method” to rebuild and reform with all of the country’s stakeholders (citizens, associations, etc.). “We wanted to set up a somewhat disruptive format to create a discussion”, sums up an LREM deputy. There is the will “to transform public policies” from the themes of the government, explains for its part the Elysée.

The day will be used to install a “interactive, direct, frank dialogue”, specifies the Presidency of the Republic. The objective is to frame the operation of the CNR before being able to decline the initiative at the territorial level. “We have to find the themes on which we can work and move forward”, adds the Elysée. The executive wishes to put on the table the three priority projects of the five-year term: the climate, equal opportunities and the sovereignty of the country.

2What is the program ?

The CNR launch day takes place in Marcoussis, from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., in the presence of Emmanuel Macron. At 9:30 a.m., the President of the Republic will make an introduction, before a round table to discuss with the participants. This first stage aims to calibrate the CNR method.

Then, three presentations are expected. The Governor of the Banque de France, François Villeroy de Galhau, will discuss the situation of the French economy. Pierre Moscovici, first president of the Court of Auditors, will give his view on public finances. Finally, the president of the High Council for the Climate (HCC), Corinne Le Quéré, will provide an update on climate issues.

Other themes will then be on the menu in the afternoon: medical deserts, water management, mobility, reintegration or dependency. Finally, there will be a reflection on how to apply what has been mentioned on a territorial basis, for example with regard to questions of education.

3Who are the participants?

About fifty people are invited around the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and a government delegation. There will be no citizen drawn by lot for this launch, but representatives of trade union, cultural, political organizations… The CFDT, the CFTC, the Medef, the CPME have chosen to participate in the initiative, while with some reservations. The main associations of elected officials, such as the Association of Mayors of France (AMF), have also agreed to go to Marcoussis, after meeting Emmanuel Macron on Monday and obtaining pledges from the Head of State.

On the side of the absentees, all the opposition political parties refused to go to the day of the launch of this CNR. Several unions (CGT, Force Ouvrière, Solidaires, CFE-CGC and FSU) also refuse to participate in the discussion. The Elysée wanted to let it be known that organizations could jump on the bandwagon thereafter: “The door will always be open. We only win in dialogue. The policy of the empty chair does not advance the files”.

What’s next for the CNR?

The monitoring of the CNR must be ensured by the High Commissioner for Planning, François Bayrou. The various projects will be launched at the end of September, with the desire to move quickly. The objective is to achieve concrete results from December. Several points therefore remain unclear for the moment, but Emmanuel Macron’s entourage has already announced that a website dedicated to the CNR will be set up. He “will make it possible to follow the progress of the thematic processes”assures the Elysée.

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