In a press release, the Marseille public prosecutor also announced the placement under judicial supervision of six other people.
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Four people have been indicted in an investigation for extortion and money laundering around tourist facilities in Haute-Corse, announced the Marseille prosecutor’s office on Tuesday April 30. The case concerns the “takeover of a holiday village to the detriment of the managing company and the operating conditions of a sea excursion company, in Haute-Corse”according to a press release from the prosecution.
The prosecution requested pre-trial detention for the four suspects, including Pierre-Jules Federici, 35, already in pre-trial detention since the end of March in a separate case of illegal gaming. A freedom and detention judge was due to rule on Tuesday on the new request for detention concerning him. Three other suspects have already been imprisoned, identified by the prosecution as Pierre-Alain Mitridati, Michel Alesandrini and Jules-André Albertini.
Six other people were placed under judicial supervision, with some prohibited from traveling to Corsica, again according to the prosecution.
In total, 19 people in police custody
In total, 19 people were placed in police custody in this investigation led by an investigating judge from the specialized interregional jurisdiction (JIRS) in organized crime in Marseille, for “extortion by an organized gang, hidden work in an organized gang, organized gang laundering of these crimes and misdemeanors and criminal association.”
Investigators made several seizures from bank accounts for a total amount of nearly 520,000 euros and a vehicle was seized. The investigation concerns the movement of the “Federici clan”, which is among the 25 criminal gangs on the Isle of Beauty listed in a confidential 2022 note from the national police, consulted by AFP.