four of the six victims found have been identified, the “gas explosion hypothesis” studied

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11:44 am : The Town Hall is now open so that you can show your solidarity. Marseille, in mourning, stands alongside the families and loved ones of the victims.

11:47 : A book of condolences was opened at the Town Hall of Marseille, after the collapse of 17 rue de Tivoli. It is accessible to residents “so that you can show your solidarity”explains Benoît Payan in a tweet. “The Town Hall is now open (…). Marseille, in mourning, stands alongside the families and loved ones of the victims”.

11:28 : The press conference of the public prosecutor of Marseille is now over. Here is the replay:

11:29 : On the investigation, the hypothesis of the gas leak is studied. We were able to recover the gas meter from the first floor of the building. This element is being operated to check whether there has been abnormal consumption in the 24 hours preceding the explosion, specifies Dominique Laurens. What we do know is that only the ground floor and the first floor were equipped with gas.”

11:17 a.m. : “As for the other victims, the situation at the level of the search of the building becomes particularly perilous.”

The Marseille prosecutor points out that “The rubble continues to be excavated by hand because there is a very significant danger to the stability of the building at number 19.”

11:37 : Among the first four identified bodies are:

• Jack and Anne-Marie, a 74-year-old retired couple who lived on the third floor of the building

• Antionietta, 88 years old who lived on the first floor

• Nicole, 65, who lived on a ground floor between 15 and 17 rue de Tivoli.

11:19 a.m. : “The four people extracted from the rubble have been identified”, announces the prosecutor. The families were notified last night and will “to be able to recover their loved ones and begin their work of mourning”. “Identification is in progress” for the two bodies extracted yesterday.

11:08 : The public prosecutor of Marseille, Dominique Laurens, begins her press conference. You can watch her live on video here.

11:01 a.m. : Residents will not be able to return to their homes in the coming hours“, he also assures. Half of the rubble has been removed from the scene. The prosecutor of the Republic of Marseille must hold a press briefing at 11 a.m., you can follow it live on video here.

10:43 am : At the moment, frigate captain Guy, of the marine firefighters, specifies that there was no new discovery of victims this night. The balance sheet therefore remains for the time being at six people who died under the rubble of rue Tivoli. Research continues.

09:50 : Despite the search for help, “you have to be honest”, “hope, unfortunately, is dwindling”. “It’s been too many hours now“, regretted Samia Ghali, deputy mayor of Marseille, interviewed by BFM Marseille Provence.

09:44 : Rescuers continue their search in Marseille to try to find survivors after the collapse of a building in the rue de Tivoli. “The most effective method” to find traces of life “are the dogs”, explains the Federation of Firefighters of France. Its president, Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-Paul Bosland, spoke on franceinfo this morning.

08:13 : Over the hours, the hope of finding survivors is dwindling rue de Tivoli, in Marseille. Rescuers, who haven’t slept all night, are continuing their search this morning. Marine Haÿ, special correspondent for France Télévisions, is at their side.


07:10 : Unsurprisingly, the daily newspapers of the South-East return this morning to the collapse of buildings in the rue de Tivoli in Marseille, and its consequences. “Marseille in mourning”, bruised Marseilles”and especially “The Wait” as rescuers continue their search.

07:00 : Gilles : according to information from France Bleu Provence, 43 buildings were evacuated in Marseille and 200 people were taken care of. Some of the inhabitants were able to come and collect some personal effects yesterday, while waiting to be able to return there soon. Follow our live.

07:50 : Do we know how many buildings have been evacuated in Marseille?

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