four new babies who are changing the lives of the Pellissards

Amandine Pellissard and her family form one of the flagship tribes of Large families, life in XXL. That said, their participation in the program has not always been rosy. And for good reason, the one whose husband was recently hospitalized suffered numerous threats and harassment through disturbing letters.

A few days ago, the mother of the family explained that she wanted to recover her chest from before and had to go to Tunisia for surgery. But change of program, the one who confided in her fortune linked to product placementschanged his mind. “Well, suddenly, there was a small reversal of the situation. I’m not going to Tunisia tomorrow. And in fact, it’s because my darling he didn’t want me to go so far. He was in PLS” she explained.

Alexandre bounced back by justifying himself: “Nah, I didn’t really want to. Actually it was too far and all. And like you said, I didn’t want“. But this project will be done later, the beautiful blonde continues: “Yes, you want me to do it… but not far. So I’m going to do it in France. I have an appointment in Paris, so for my breast augmentation. On the other hand, it won’t be in Tunisia, when I was supposed to leave tomorrow… He gave me his little puppy dog ​​face. But hey, I’m still going to have an operation in Paris in a very short time, so that’s so cool! I’m going to go to my appointment. you and then the rest, we’ll tell you about it. Afterwards, it’s true that you’re right and that it’s safer to do it in France. We know that we still have good surgeons, good care and a good accompaniment.

But today, it is for another happy subject that Amandine Pellissard spoke. Indeed, the family has grown… or almost. Indeed, her kitten gave birth to four babies that she intends to adopt. Four new members who will change their daily lives. It remains to be seen whether the Pellissards will succeed in parting with it without cracking.


See also: Amandine Pellissard facing the disease

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