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Nearly four million French people will be deprived, Tuesday, February 15, of their vaccine pass. If the rules change, the vaccination centers are not overwhelmed.
The vaccine pass for four million French people was deactivated on Tuesday, February 15. Since that day, the time between two doses has been reduced from seven months to four months. In a vaccination center in Montreuil, in Seine-Saint-Denis, many are those who have resolved at the last moment. “My goal was to slip through the cracks. I have no choice, we have to do it“, says a man.
The center receives about a hundred people a day. Moderate attendance, so appointments last longer, especially for “to explain“, “to convince” and “inform“, says Florence Villagi, coordinator of the center. Other French people, refractory to the third dose, have decided to take their troubles patiently and are waiting for the lifting of the vaccination pass.