four French soldiers were arrested at Bangui airport

Against the backdrop of tensions between Paris and Moscow over this country at war since 2013, qFour French soldiers who were escorting a general from the UN force were arrested on Monday afternoon at Bangui airport.

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Four French soldiers who were escorting a general from the UN force were arrested on Monday February 21 at Bangui airport, the French embassy in the Central African capital tweeted. “The close protection team of General (Stéphane) Marchenoir, Chief of Staff of the Minusca Force (United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic), made up of four French soldiers, was arrested this afternoon at the ‘Bangui airport’the embassy said in a statement posted on its Twitter and Facebook accounts.

This incident comes at a time when relations between France and its former colony are increasingly tense, exacerbated by a fierce struggle for influence between Paris and Moscow, in this country in civil war since 2013.

France accuses the Central African Republic of being “partner in crime” of an anti-French campaign orchestrated by Moscow on social networks and certain media, and accuses the Russian private security company Wagner of having taken control of the country’s power and resources.

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