four dead and 300 injured after the collapse of an arena


France 3

Article written by

M. de Chalvron, @RevelateursFTV, C. Krauskopff – France 3

France Televisions

Sunday, June 26, the collapse of a stand during a bullfighting show in El Espinal, Colombia, caused the death of four people and left 300 injured.

Sunday, June 26 at the end of the morning, a large crowd gathered in El Espinal (Colombia), for a bullfighting show. While members of the public were in the arena to confront the bull, a stand suddenly collapsed. A bleacher completely collapsed and, according to videos relayed on social networks, spectators were trapped under a pile of wood and sheet metal. A total of four people died and 300 were injured. The arena, which had been built for the event, was obviously too flimsy.

In the arena, just after the collapse, the bull, injured and disoriented, continued to run before being neutralized by spectators. Colombia’s newly elected president, Gustavo Petro, has called for a ban on these shows, which he says involve “the death of people or animals”.

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