Four cows on the run in Mauricie have been captured and returned to their owners

After several months on the run, four cows that were part of the herd of cattle that had escaped from their enclosure in the municipality of Saint-Sévère, in Mauricie, were finally captured on Saturday evening.

The Mauricie UPA Federation has confirmed that the four cows in question were transported Sunday morning to their farm of origin, “quietly”. Specialists have examined the cows since their capture and according to initial findings, the herd appears to be in good shape.

However, it is not the end of this soap novel that has kept Quebecers in suspense for several weeks, since seven or eight animals are still at large. However, the UPA intends to launch a new operation very soon in order to capture these other cows as well.

The escapees from Saint-Sévère, offshore since July, had so far resisted all attempts to capture them, even that of a team of cowboys from Saint-Tite. In November, the UPA Federation of Mauricie had also placed feeders to attract cows, but without immediate success.

However, in the last few days, different feeding points have been set up at strategic locations near the herd. Gradually, fences and other devices allowing their repatriation were deployed on the ground and one thing leading to another, the cows found themselves trapped, which made it possible to capture them.

The recent arrival of cold weather and a good snowfall in Quebec would have changed the behavior of the cows, however, according to the UPA, which prevented the complete capture of the herd.

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