Four classes at the Courbet high school in Belfort without French teachers for several weeks

It’s a situation “ubiquitous“which is denounced by the parents of students represented by the SCHOLA association. Two French teachers have been on sick leave for several weeks, or even for one of them since the start of the school year in September. This penalizes four second class and first in their school career. Replacement teachers have been requested by the rectorate, but each time, the solution has not been successful. A demonstration is organized this wednesday morning in front of the school gates to demand urgent measures from the academic services.

An injustice denounced by the students concerned

Léo and Léandre are among these students who will mobilize. Since mid-November, they haven’t had a single French lesson, a subject that they usually learn 4 to 5 hours per week : “_the books remain in the locker, we are not given exercises to do, or books to read. At the beginning, we said to ourselves that it was going to last two weeks, that it was not very serious. But then we realizes that we will be really penalized, compared to those who are lucky enough to have a French teacher “.

The two students fear that their school career will be spoiled: “French for us is fundamental, I would like to work in the cinema, and not have certain notions that we should have had during these missed lessons, it will have an impact on my baccalaureate, and on the rest of my career“.

Parents urgently ask for a solution

The association of parents of schoolchildren SCHOLA is therefore asking for replacements as quickly as possible. Its representative at Courbet high school, Céline Leclerc, also asks that the students concerned be supported. to right the injustice : “They are not sufficiently prepared for the trials that await them. They are penalized for next year in their choice of Parcoursup. We must support them in the delay that has been taken, and for the first year students, who pass the French baccalaureate, it will be necessary to adapt the June exams, to grant them fewer texts than their classmates. Somehow we gotta find a solution for them“.

A solution in the coming days?

Asked, the rectorate did not wish to respond to our interview request, but assured “be fully mobilized to find a solution and that the students can find a teacher in the coming days“.

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