Four children killed with an ax in a daycare center in Brazil

A daycare center in southern Brazil was the scene of horror on Wednesday, when a 25-year-old man burst into it and killed four children with axes, in a country where attacks on schools have increased in recent years .

The drama took place in the morning, in a private daycare center where there were about forty children in Blumenau, a city of about 360,000 inhabitants in the state of Santa Catarina.

“The attacker jumped over the daycare wall armed with a small axe. […] He used it to strike blows on the children, especially on the head,” fire chief Diogo de Souza Clarindo told a press briefing.

According to him, the victims, three boys and a girl, were between five and seven years old. The assailant also injured four children, all hospitalized “in stable condition”, the local Santo Antonio hospital told AFP.

Military Police announced that the suspect had surrendered and was taken into custody. According to several media, citing police sources, he was in a “psychotic crisis” at the time of the attack, and had no connection with the establishment.

“It is with enormous sadness that I learned that an assassin had burst into the Cantinho do Bom Pastor private daycare center in Blumenau and attacked children and employees,” said Governor Jorginho Mello. in a press release.

Blumenau town hall declared an official 30-day mourning and canceled classes at all municipal schools on Wednesday.

“Monstrous” act, says Lula

In a testimony on the daily website Folha de S. Pauloa daycare worker said she locked the room where the babies were to protect them from the assailant.

This new attack in a school has aroused great emotion in Brazil. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva immediately sent a message of condolence to the families, condemning this “monstrous” act.

“There is no greater pain for a family than to lose children, or grandchildren, especially in an act of violence against innocent and helpless children,” tweeted the head of state. .

The situation was tense around the daycare: images from the G1 site showed a strong presence of rescuers and law enforcement, while several dozen people waited for news behind the security cordon.

“Calm down, only parents” are allowed to enter, shouted a policeman.

“My wife is in shock,” the husband of one of the daycare workers told reporters, including AFP.

“She told me that when the guy left she tried to resuscitate a child, but was unsuccessful,” he added.

Attacks on schools have increased in Brazil in recent years. In November, a 16-year-old boy killed four people at two schools in Aracruz, in the southeastern state of Espirito Santo.

Last week, a 71-year-old teacher was stabbed to death by a 13-year-old student in São Paulo (southeast), the most populous city and economic capital of Brazil.

A tragedy also took place at a daycare center in 2017, when a man set fire to the establishment, killing nine children and a teacher and injuring around 40 people.

The deadliest attack took place in 2011, when a former elementary school student killed 12 children before ending his life with a gun, in the popular neighborhood of Realengo, in Rio de Janeiro ( South East).

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