four Bayern Munich players positive for coronavirus, Tolisso, Coman and Neuer in isolation

Four Bayern Munich players, including goalkeeper Manuel Neuer and Frenchmen Corentin Tolisso and Kingsley Coman, have tested positive for Covid-19 and are expected to miss the first training of the year, postponed from Sunday to Monday for health reasons, the club said on Saturday.

German Manuel Neuer, French Kingsley Coman, Corentin Tolisso and Englishman Omar Richards were “tested positive for coronavirus“Bayern Munich informed in a statement, published on their website. German assistant coach Dino Toppmöller has also been infected with the coronavirus, the club added.are doing well“, corn “are isolated at home“, according to Bayern.

Consequence: players tested positive “will miss the first training session of the year“, scheduled for Monday. Originally scheduled for Sunday, this training has already been postponed by one day, due to”changes made (…) to hygiene measures due to the current pandemic situation“Bayern said.

All players and staff will have to undergo PCR tests Monday morning, before the start of training, detailed the club.

The German club had already had to deprive itself throughout the month of December of its midfielder Joshua Kimmich, unvaccinated and contaminated by the coronavirus at the end of November. The German player had to miss three league games, due to physical damage from the disease. Kimmich’s choice not to be vaccinated had sparked endless debates in Germany. The Minister of the Interior had even urged him to be vaccinated.

This announcement comes a few days before the resumption of the Bundesliga, scheduled for January 7 in Germany. The virulence of the epidemic has pushed the new German government, led by the Social Democrat Olaf Scholz, to impose a closed door for league matches.

source site-18