Foundations of public finances: expected savings


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

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The Assizes of public finances are held in Bercy, Monday, June 19. Government savings are expected.

The government’s room for maneuver is extremely narrow: taxes must not be increased while giving guarantees of budgetary seriousness to Brussels and preserving purchasing power. What we know at this stage is that the departments will have to tighten their belts. Elisabeth Borne asked them to generate savings of around 5%. The government is also counting on winning the unemployment insurance and pension reforms. The government has also planned that there would be a possible slashing of all real estate aid, as well as employment aid.

Boycott of associations of elected officials

There is also the end of the energy shield, which would also generate some savings. All these avenues will feed into the 2024 budget which will be presented this fall. These Public Finance Meetings have not started very well because the main associations of elected officials, mayors, departments and regions are boycotting the event. They challenge both substance and form. According to them, they are not responsible for the 3,000 billion debt, explains the journalist from France Televisions, Delphine Liou, live from the Ministry of Finance (Paris).

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