Fouace and Chasselas from Moissac

The fouace is a kind of brioche in the shape of a crownflavored with orange blossom, sometimes enriched with prunes or candied fruit, and sprinkled with grains of sugar.

Originally, the fouace is an unleavened wheat pancake, cooked under the ashes, and this is precisely what its name recalls: in Latin, the hearth, that is to say the space fitted out to make a fire. , translates to the word focus… Focus, which gives foccaciawhich then becomes fouace in French.

Obviously, the fouace has been enriched over the centuries with eggs, milk, butter, sourdough and powdered sugar! But we kept cooking it in the same oven as the bread.

And we stay in the sweets, direction of Carcassonne, with something 100% natural, a raw and never processed product: Chasselas de Moissac, a golden grape, crunchy, sweet and very juicy. It is the first fruit to have obtained, more than 50 years ago, a protected designation of origin. As it is not vinified, we are talking about fruit and variety, not grape variety.

This grape is nothing ordinary : first of all, it was one of the first fruits to be sent to the old Parisian Halles, from 1858, thanks to the arrival of the Bordeaux-Sète railway line. The “golden grain”, as it is called, made the fortune of the Chasselatiers (this is the name given to grape producers) of Moissac! In the 1930s, to dispose of the overproduction of grapes, the town innovated by becoming the first uvale city of Francethat is to say a place of care, relaxation and leisure, where we most often come with the family, to taste the Chasselas and its juice!

The uval cure is a mono diet, based on grapes. It seems that the benefits are numerous, for the liver, the kidneys, poor digestion, among others! Currently, the uval cure is still practiced, by a few initiates, with organic Chasselas from Moissac, in the form of a detox cure. We may wait until the end of the tour to recommend it to our cyclists, because that’s what I didn’t tell you, but Chasselas de Moissac is also a powerful laxative! But eaten in a local cake, the croustade, with apples, nuts and filo pastry, the danger is avoided, so treat yourself

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