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Every day new testimonies come to tarnish the image of nursing homes a little more. There are alternatives for dependent people, families offer to accommodate them in pensions. Report in the Gard, where a caregiver has become a foster family.
In the Balmassière family in Aigaliers (Gard), live three adopted grandmothers. Eliane, 91, Jacqueline, 88, and Renée, 92. They are not related to their host family, but it’s just like. Here they are pampered 7 days a week, and in good hands. Sophie Balmassière is a nursing assistant, she worked for twenty years with elderly people in the hospital, before deciding, twelve years ago, to welcome them into her home, as a family.
To keep the good mood at home, a nurse takes care of the care and the toilets twice a day. And in a host family, there is no imposed timetable. Working from home takes her twice as long as when she worked in the hospital, around 15 hours a day. Cleaning, making medical appointments, preparing meals… A constant presence that sometimes cost him his holidays. The succession is perhaps ensured by the only daughter of the family. Since the age of five, Pauline has already lived with twenty grandmothers under her roof.