Forty demonstrators in support of migrants in Châteauroux

On the occasion of International Migrants Day, a demonstration was organized at Place de la République in Châteauroux this Saturday, December 18. About forty demonstrators have mobilized at the call of several associations, in particular the Human Rights League (LDH) and the Education Without Borders Network of Indre (RESF). Several political organizations also called for demonstrations, such as La France insoumise (LFI) and the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA). The protesters have denounced the fate of migrants in France.

“A hunt for foreign minors”

The Indre Education Without Borders Network wanted to send a message: it is time to treat unaccompanied minors differently. The network denounces the inhuman treatment of young migrant migrants in France. “Asylum requests are getting longer, access to prefectures is more and more complicated since the Covid, assures Kévin, RESF activist. We are setting up a real hunt for foreign minors “.

“We really have a population that wants to integrate and succeed”, he continues. In the Indre, many artisans lack of labor. The Indre Education Without Borders Network sees migration as an opportunity to fill this gap. “Craftsmen recruit many of these minors as apprentices. We are very far from what the far right puts forward, in particular with its theory of replacement. We need these migrants to develop.”, details the activist.

Education Without Borders Network calls for real support for unaccompanied minors. “We must take the time to assess these young people to determine whether they are minors or not, and not do it in just two hours, as is currently the case in the Indre”, he insists.

The Mediterranean Sea has become “a cemetery”

The Human Rights League no longer supports the repeated deaths of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea. “It has become a cemetery, it can’t go on any longer”, rebels Daniel Guiet, president of the LDH of Indre. The tragedies multiply. On the night of November 24, 27 migrants drowned in the English Channel.

“Unfortunately, the laws are more and more repressive. There are more than 400,000 people in our territory who are undocumented and whose most basic rights, such as the right to work, are prohibited.”, he says.

The Human Rights League demands better reception of refugees and the regularization of undocumented migrants.

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