Fort Boyard: A star crashes filming, this unexpected solution found at the last minute

For several weeks, every Saturday evening on France 2, viewers had an appointment with Fort Boyard. The summer show is now coming to an end and will be entitled to its final episode of the season on August 27. The cast includes the swimmer Frédérick Bousquet, the sports journalist Julien Febreauthe chronicler and companion of Laurent Ruquier Hugo Manosdancer Candice Pascal, host Guillaume Pley and Alexia Laroche-Joubert.

This last one is a last minute surprise. Indeed, being the producer of the program, it was not expected that she lends herself to the game. Contacted by TV 7 days, Alexia Laroche-Joubert explained that she had been asked to replace her. “I loved being on the show in 2012, and when I took over as president of ALP four years later, I told the teams that if they ever had a problem with a candidate, they could call on me. It happened. By the merest chance, i was on set the exact day a guest missed his train“, she reported.

Alexia Laroche-Joubert may have been both boss and candidate on the set, but there is no question of receiving any preferential treatment, in particular concerning the tests. “I only reported a mild shoulder issue that I needed to watch out for. I’m not prone to allergies, but maybe I would have confessed not to like snakes too much. What is funny is to be ‘picked’ by the trials“, she confided. Moreover, the mother of Solveig and Isaure had no idea what awaited her: “I just knew that it was the last show and that Father Fouras’ ultimate asset would therefore be the Mystery Warrior. I asked the production to be excluded from the choice of personality who would play him. What’s funny is, as it is a man that I replaced at short notice, I found myself with certain tests where one feels that I did not have the physical“.

Despite this small disadvantage, Alexia Laroche-Joubert is quite satisfied with her adventure. “I would say in the average of the average candidates, with failures and some successes. I also think I beat the decibel level on a test, by shouting“.

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