Fort Boyard: A humorist flirts with Delphine Wespiser… and takes a big wind!


Unable to bring himself to leave the place without having tried his luck with the pretty redhead, he then tries a flirting technique to coax the young woman. “So it’s not the right atmosphere? I adore you ! You are superb Blanche, magnificent. Can we meet again?“, “Goodbyesimply replies Delphine, visibly unreceptive to Edgar-Yves’s charms. Annoyed, he finally leaves with his head down and mutters: “Well that means no. Anyway, I’m used to taking winds…” The comedian then consoled himself for this rake by finding the other candidates of the show including Vaïmalama Chaves – who made the preface of the book Orgasms and prejudices – and Caroline Margeridon.

Very happy in love with Roger, Delphine Wespiser was certainly not ready to give in to the advances of Edgar-Yves. “We are in the process of building guest rooms in Alsace. There is still plenty of work to do.” she recently confided to Closer. Convinced of having found the man of her life, she even nicknamed her companion “soulmate “near Tele-Leisure : We don’t choose when two soul mates meet, we don’t choose the age. So, yes it may look weird on paper. Even there when we say 26 years apart, I tell myself it’s abused but you see us together, there is no problem. You have lunch with us, we don’t see that anymore. I find it so interesting when souls connect, it goes beyond everything.” In short, Edgar-Yves had no chance of winning Delphine’s heart…

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