Formula E: a double for Mitch Evans

Using attack mode late in the race after a neutralization, Mitch Evans made a late pass to win the second race of the Rome Formula E ePrix on Sunday in Italy.

Evans had the upper hand over André Lotterer (Porsche) a few minutes from the checkered flag. After a final intervention by the safety car, he withstood the onslaught of Jean-Éric Vergne (DS Techeetah), who started from the lead position, to win.

The Jaguar team driver therefore won two events in as many days on Italian soil. This time, he beat Vergne and Robin Frijns (Envision).

However, it is Vergne who takes first place in the drivers’ standings with 60 points so far, just ahead of Frijns (58 points) and Stoffel Vandoorne (Mercedes, 56 points). Evans is fourth with 51 points, having collected only one point in the first three races of the campaign.

The next stop on the calendar will be the Monaco ePrix on April 30. The race will be broadcast on TVA Sports.

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