former socialist minister Marisol Touraine supports Emmanuel Macron

In an interview with “Parisien”, the former Minister of Health under François Hollande’s five-year term believes that Emmanuel Macron is “the only one who has the solidity to face challenges and carry a positive vision of the future”.

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I will support Emmanuel Macron.” Socialist Marisol Touraine, former Minister of Health under François Hollande’s five-year term, announced on Saturday February 19 that she would support the current head of state in view of the presidential election. “The useful and responsible vote is Emmanuel Macron. He is the only one who has the solidity to face challenges and carry a positive vision of the future.”she declared in the columns of the Parisian (article subscribers).

Asked why she does not support the candidate of her political camp, Anne Hidalgo, Marisol Touraine estimated that the socialist party “did not know how to use the last five years to bounce back and bring new ideas”. En Marche will perhaps be a place where social-democratic diversity can express itself. I do not know yet”she added.

“Our country is facing international, social, environmental, major challenges” and “il is wrought by fears”according to the former minister, withdrawn from political life since her defeat in the 2017 legislative elections. “The far right is very strong, it stirs up hatred and divides the country. Faced with this, the right has gone astray and the left has evaporated”she continues.

Marisol Touraine explains supporting the current head of state for “that the ideas coming from the left can be heard more”. For the time being, Emmanuel Macron has not yet formalized his candidacy for the presidential election.

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