former socialist minister Alain Vidalies calls for a “state response”

A survey conducted by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and its partners helps to understand the lobbying practices of the VTC giant and in particular its links with Emmanuel Macron when he was at the Ministry of the Economy.

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Alain Vidalies, former socialist minister under François Hollande and who was Secretary of State in charge of Transport from 2014 to 2017, fought against the arrival of Uber in France. After the revelations of the Uber Files investigation, it “fall from the clouds” and asks for “clarifications and a state response”.

>> Uber Files: how Emmanuel Macron got involved when the VTC giant arrived in France

In these Uber Files, the investigation unit of Radio France and its partners of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) reveal the lobbying practices of the giant of the VTC and in particular on its links with Emmanuel Macron when he was at the Ministry of l ‘Economy.

franceinfo: Did you know that Emmanuel Macron was at the time favorable to the arrival of Uber in France and that he had close ties with the company?

Alain Vidalies: I knew he was in favor of Uber, it corresponded to his state of mind, to his defense of the startup nation. I confess that I did not know that it had the magnitude revealed today. Whether this results in this lobbying or in a permanent movement of institutional influence in the service of an international company whose main rule is not to respect any of them, I must say that even I am flabbergasted.

Did you know that amendments were served turnkey by Uber?

I knew that there was an Uber initiative behind it and I have always been on the front line to have them object, but the texts of these amendments were then taken up in decrees, decrees, even by trying to influence services administrative so it was a fight practically every day that Emmanuel Macron led.

What surprises you the most?

It is to learn that he participated in almost secret meetings with the leaders and that beyond lobbying, there is this complicity.

Should these revelations have political consequences?

These revelations should fuel the political debate. We are in a situation that deserves a state response. It will be necessary to provide answers and clarifications to which the French have the right.

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