The accusations made by a second woman were initially dismissed.
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The investigation into suspicions of sexual assault targeting former environmentalist Secretary of State Jean-Vincent Placé has been extended to facts denounced by a woman abroad, franceinfo learned on Tuesday May 7 from the Paris prosecutor’s office. , confirming information from AFP. These accusations were initially dismissed in early 2023.
A first woman, ex-collaborator of Jean-Vincent Placé, filed a complaint against him in November 2021 for acts of sexual harassment which allegedly took place between 2012 and 2016. During the investigation, another woman told investigators having been sexually assaulted by the politician, abroad, without however filing a complaint against him.
A new complaint filed in 2023
On the grounds that it is impossiblee “to investigate criminal acts likely to have been committed by a French person abroad only if the potential victim has filed a complaint, or the local authorities have made an official denunciation”, the court of appeal had excluded this testimony from the procedure, by a judgment of February 2023, detailed the Paris prosecutor’s office in a press release. “As the potential victim subsequently filed a complaint, the judicial information procedure was extended to the facts reported abroad,” he continues.
To date, Jean-Vincent Placé remains indicted for “sexual assault and sexual harassment by a person abusing the authority conferred by his position” for the facts concerning the first complainant.