former PSG women’s coach Didier Ollé-Nicolle disputes any “inappropriate” gesture in front of investigators

The 60-year-old technician, accused of “sexual assault by a person in authority”, was heard by investigators on Wednesday.

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Didier Ollé-Nicolle, coach of the Paris SG players, was heard on Wednesday June 8 in the investigation opened in mid-May for “sexual assault by person in authority”. He disputes “firmly engaged in inappropriate behavior”, explained his lawyer Guillaume Traynard. The 60-year-old technician spoke “free audition” before the investigators, said his defense in a press release sent to AFP.

“No complaint has been filed against him” and “no charges have been brought against him”, assured the lawyer. The interested party also disputes “having made inappropriate comments about one of his players”. Didier Ollé-Nicolle added wish “that the investigation which is continuing can make it possible to definitively clear his honor and to shed light on the exact conditions which led to the false accusations of which he was the subject being relayed to his employer and to the justice system “added Guillaume Traynard.

Part of the charges against the coach go back to PSG’s pre-season tour of the United States, during which the club “echoed” of one “inappropriate gesture” to a player. At the time, the subject was closed by mutual agreement after hearing all parties. A player was even heard in the context of this case by the judicial police of Versailles and did not file a complaint.

But during the investigation into the attack (still unsolved) of the player Kheira Hamraoui in November, new elements prompted the Versailles prosecutor’s office to open a judicial investigation against X on May 15. For its part, Paris SG suspended Didier Ollé-Nicolle on May 24 and decided to open an internal investigation, conducting interviews with staff members and players.

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