former President François Hollande calls to vote for Emmanuel Macron in the second round

The former head of state spoke Thursday evening during the “20 hours” of TF1.

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François Hollande has finally decided on his vote for the second round of the presidential election. “In an election of this importance, the main thing is France. This is why I call on the French, given what is at stake, to vote Emmanuel Macron”declared the former President of the Republic during the 8 p.m. newspaper of TF1, Thursday, April 14.

“If Marine Le Pen arrived at the Elysée, there would be three fundamental challenges: our values, membership of the European Union, our alliance system.”

Francois Hollande,

in the 20 hour newspaper of TF1.

And François Hollande is not the only one to have spoken in this direction. On Tuesday, former head of state Nicolas Sarkozy gave his support to the En Marche candidate. “I will vote for Emmanuel Macron because I believe he has the necessary experience in the face of a serious international crisis that is more complex than ever”he wrote on Twitter, but also “because its economic project puts the promotion of work at the center of all its priorities, because its European commitment is clear and unambiguous”.

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