Former PQ leader Pierre Karl Péladeau believes in the future of the party

Businessman Pierre Karl Péladeau, who was leader of the Parti Québécois from 2015 to 2016, believes that the party is too well established in the history of Quebec to be wiped off the map.

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“The Parti Québécois is a party that is too solid and too established in the history of Quebec not to continue to be able to deploy its messages,” he declared during a press scrum on the sidelines of a conference. of the leader of the PQ, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, before the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal.

Mr. Péladeau, who is the CEO of Quebecor, which owns Le Journal de Montréal and the TVA network in particular, was also at the head table of the conference guests along with former Prime Minister Pauline Marois and former PQ ministers Louise Beaudoin and Marie Malavoy, among others.

“There are still a lot of separatists and sovereignists in Quebec, and undeniably it will always be something alive in Quebec,” Mr. Péladeau told reporters.

Invited to comment on the state of the PQ, he nevertheless specified that he had “distanced himself” from politics because of his professional occupations.

“Not that I’m not interested, quite the contrary,” he insisted. He stressed that he nevertheless “frequently took note of the polls”.

The recent soundings of the last few weeks show that the pq would be at around 9% in the voting intentions. But on the question of independence, the firm Léger took the pulse of the population last June and 32% of Quebecers would vote yes if the government organized a referendum.

Mr. Péladeau also has good words for Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon. “I think the leader’s campaign is excellent and his message will get through more and more,” he added before taking leave of reporters.

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