The former elected representative of the Rhône was not a candidate for re-election in the legislative elections. The facts he is accused of were made public by an investigation in which the investigation unit of Radio France participated in February.
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Former Green MP Hubert Julien-Laferrière was indicted on Thursday, July 25, in an investigation in Paris into suspicions of foreign interference in French politics and current affairs, a judicial source told franceinfo, confirming information from Le Monde.
In detail, the former elected official of the second constituency of the Rhône was indicted for “passive corruption in an organized gang by a public official” And “passive influence peddling in an organized gang by a public elected official”He was placed under judicial supervision.
A joint journalistic investigation by Forbidden Stories, Le Monde and the investigation unit of Radio France, published in February 2024, led to the opening of this judicial inquiry. After the dissolution, Hubert Julien-Laferrière did not stand for re-election. Absent from the new National Assembly, he therefore lost his parliamentary immunity.