Former minister Nadine Girault dies | The Press

(Quebec) The former Minister of International Relations and La Francophonie, Nadine Girault, has died. Premier François Legault confirmed the news on Twitter on Monday. Mme Girault had to give up political life in the summer of 2022 to treat lung cancer.

“I am so sad to learn of the death of our former colleague and friend Nadine Girault. Nadine was a passionate, determined, endearing woman. She undertook, as Minister of International Relations, the economic shift of our delegations abroad, ”wrote François Legault on Twitter, in addition to sending his messages of condolence to his family.

She was 63 years old.

The ex-member of Bertrand had not sought a new mandate during the last elections due to illness. She announced the news in July 2022. Mme Girault explained that he made this decision following the recommendation of his doctor. In a long interview with Radio-Canada, she expressed to Céline Galipeau that she was leaving politics with a sense of duty accomplished.

Due to her health, she had suspended her activities for the first time in 2019, then in 2021. It was in 2021 that François Legault had entrusted Immigration – a portfolio she had held since 2018 – to Jean Boulet to lighten her task due to health problems.

Nadine Girault was elected Member of Parliament for Bertrand in 2018. Before entering politics, she held the positions of Vice-President of Business Development for the Fonds de solidarité FTQ as well as senior positions for the Royal Bank of Canada and Desjardins. Financial security. She had also been involved in a large number of boards of directors during her career.

On Twitter, members of the political class and ex-colleagues wrote messages of condolence, in addition to underlining the commitment of Mme Girault. “A woman of action, she broke glass ceilings and inspired many,” said Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante.

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