Former minister Jérôme Cahuzac accuses François Hollande of lying to the French about the unemployment curve

According to Jérome Cahuzac, the former President of the Republic François Hollande contributed to the distrust of the French towards politicians.


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Jérôme Cahuzac, former Minister of Budget under François Hollande, on November 23, 2023 in Monsempron-Libos (Lot-et-Garonne).  (PHILIPPE LOPEZ / AFP)

Jérôme Cahuzac, former deputy for Lot-et-Garonne and minister of budget under François Hollande, accused the former socialist president on Monday, November 27 on France Inter of having lied to the French about the unemployment curve.

“In 2013, he announced the reversal of the unemployment curve, knowing perfectly well that it was impossible. No note from the forecasting department of the Bank of France, the Budget department, the Treasury department allowed him to to announce this. Quite the contrary even”accused the former minister. “He announced it in 2013 knowing that it is not true, in 2014 knowing that it is not possible, and this until the end of his mandate. Always in vain, since it is at the beginning of Emmanuel Macron’s mandate that this unemployment curve has been reversed. Moreover, in part thanks to the measures that François Hollande was able to decide on. He knew it would take that long.”he continued.

“A submission agreement with regard to La France insoumise”

“When he announces it years before, he is lying”, he says. According to Jérôme Cahuzac, François Hollande “He also has a share of responsibility in this regard” in the distrust of the French towards politicians. “I have my share of responsibility that I assume. Perhaps others should recognize theirs and assume it. We are far from that”he said.

The election of François Hollande by the French in 2012, “turned out to be an unfortunate and even painful choice in the end”he estimated. “An outgoing president who does not even have the possibility of running again, that says a lot about the way in which he exercised this mandate”he charged.

Everyone gets what they deserve. Jérôme Cahuzac also denounced the attitude of socialist leaders in today’s political life: “They signed an agreement which is only an agreement of submission with regard to La France insoumise and its leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon. An agreement of submission with the only consideration being the saving of their seats”he criticized. “They sold all the governance, all the spirit of responsibility, all the results of the Socialist Party over the last 40 years to save ten, fifteen or 20 seats from the leaders”he stressed

Jérôme Cahuzac is making his comeback in the media after being sentenced to five years in prison and a fine of 300,000 euros for tax evasion.

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