Former Minister Alain Griset tried in Lille on Tuesday for “breach of trust”

Anyone who worked as a taxi driver for more than thirty years before becoming a minister must answer for “breach of trust” at the expense of the National Confederation of Crafts, Trades and Services of the North.

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Almost a month after his conviction for “incomplete or false declaration” of his patrimonial situation, the former Minister for SMEs Alain Griset will appear Tuesday before the Lille Criminal Court for “breach of trust”, announced Monday, January 3 the prosecution.

He is due to appear at 2 p.m. before the 7th Chamber, but his lawyer, Patrick Maisonneuve, has announced to AFP that he will request a postponement of the hearing due to the very short delay. “between the closing of the case on December 15 and the hearing”. This query “must be logically accepted”, added the lawyer, specifying that his client will not appear at the hearing.

Alain Griset, who before becoming Minister had exercised for more than thirty years the profession of taxi driver, must answer “for breach of trust” at the expense of the National Confederation of Crafts, Trades and Services (Cnams) of North, according to a legal source quoted by AFP.

This is one of the aspects of the case which earned him his sentence on December 8 to six months suspended imprisonment and a suspended three-year ineligibility sentence. He resigned from the government in the process. Alain Griset was prosecuted in Paris for having failed to declare, in August 2020, after his appointment to the government, part of his assets and his interests to the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP).

Among the sums at stake, 130,000 euros placed in the Minister’s PEA and which belonged to the Cnams du Nord, an inter-professional organization that Alain Griset had headed since 1991. On this aspect, the former minister incurs five years of imprisonment and a fine of 375,000 euros, according to the Lille prosecutor’s office.

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