Former Manchester United player Patrice Evra reveals he was sexually assaulted as a teenager

In an interview with an English daily and on the sidelines of the upcoming release of his autobiography, the former left side of the Blues reveals having been abused when he was 13 years old.

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At 40, Patrice Evra decided to publicly reveal the sexual abuse he suffered when he was still a teenager. In an interview with the British daily The Times, Friday, October 22, and before the release of his autobiography in English “I Love This Game” (to be published on October 28), the former Manchester United player has indeed returned to a episode in his life that he had never mentioned before.

The former French international was only 13 years old when the events occurred. Facts that have “devastated” his mother when she learned about it, according to Patrice Evra. “It was a complicated time for me, I still have to tell a few of my siblings and close friends about it.”, he explains before specifying: “I don’t want people to have pity.”

“It was a huge shock for her”, continues the former French international, who retired in 2018 after a last freelance at West Ham. “She was telling me that I shouldn’t talk about this in my book, that it was private, but that’s when I said to her ‘Mom, this is not about me, this is for d ‘other children’, she told me she was OK, that she understood. I don’t want children to find themselves in the same situation and be ashamed of themselves. “

“I know the book is going to change the way people think about me but I’m more than happy to talk about it. I’m a better version of myself (…) the biggest pressure has been on it. tell my mother. Even now, it’s hard to talk to her about it. “

Patrice Evra also states that he has not yet given serious thought to the prosecution, although his mother had suggested prosecuting the assailant, a former teacher, and that he had received calls from the police during his stay in Monaco, where he spent four seasons between 2002 and 2006.

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