Former ASSE goalkeeper Stefan Bajic is the guest of 100% Verts

Rémy Cabella soon at ASSE?

Rémy Cabella formalized his departure from Krasnodar on his social networks. On their side, Fifa authorizes the clubs to strengthen themselves with a maximum of two players from Russia, who would be in the same case as the Corsican.

Obviously, the supporters of the Greens want to see the return of the number 7 who marked his passage in the drill. But will ASSE be a candidate? Can she? And does Cabella really want to come back here?

We debate it in 100% Verts

Stefan Bajic, from ASSE to Pau FC

At the beginning of February, the native of Saint-Étienne joined the city of Henri IV to make up for the absence, for a long injury, of Alexandre Olliero. Stefan Bajic discovers a new city, a new club and a new championship (Ligue 2) as number 1 goalkeeper. He talks about his arrival in Béarn, his integration into Pau Fc, his first matches.

One more year for Alain Thinet

At the end of the match against Tours, won 101-87, the club announced that coach Alain Thinet extended the adventure at SCBVG one more season.

He had however said that he would stop at the end of this 2021-2022 financial year. But the Arena, the beautiful season, changes in personal projects got the better of his decision.

Alain Thinet explains himself in 100% Verts.

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