Former Argentinian rugby international Federico Martin-Aramburu shot dead last night, shooter identified

Former Biarritz Olympique rugby player Federico Martin-Aramburu died on Saturday March 19 in the early morning in Paris, franceinfo learned from concordant sources. The facts took place in the early morning at 6:15 a.m., near boulevard Saint-Germain in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, according to a police source at franceinfo. It all starts at Le Mabillon bar, on Boulevard Saint-Germain in the 6th arrondissement, according to a close source. A verbal dispute broke out at the exit of this bar between two groups of people who came to blows. The bouncers of the establishment managed to separate the two groups who then left the premises.

But a man and a woman then return in a Jeep-type vehicle, again according to this source close to the investigation. Two shots are fired in the direction of the rugby player without touching him. Another individual then recovered the weapon from the car before pursuing the Argentinian on foot and fired six times. Five bullets hit him. Federico Martin-Aramburu is fatally injured in front of his hotel, says a relative of the victim to France Bleu Pays basque.

A flagrance investigation was opened for assassination. The investigations were entrusted to the criminal brigade. From a close source, the two groups did not know each other. There have been no arrests at this stage. But the shooter, identified as the man in the hood that the rugby player knocked down, is unfavorably known to the police.

According to information from France Bleu Pays Basque, the former rugby player was in Paris to see the match of the France-England 6 Nations Tournament, several former players of the BO (Biarritz Olympique) were to meet this Saturday afternoon.

Federico Martin-Aramburu, a former Argentinian international, was 42 years old. The three-quarter was twice winner of the French championship with Biarritz in 2005 and 2006. He had also been president of the club’s Socios from 2015 to 2018.

All of Biarritz Olympique “sends its most sincere condolences to his family, his loved ones, and assures them of his total support”reacted the club on its Twitter account. “He was a very generous person, like the Argentinians”reacts Julien Peyrelongue, one of his former teammates at the time of the great Biarritz, to France Bleu Pays basque. “Off the pitch, he was a beautiful person, and a friend. We had moments that bonded us forever. It’s terrible news, it’s still hard to believe.”adds the former opener.

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