formalization of their collaboration!

On October 14, Ycare will unveil its new album. “It took me THREE years to make this album of duets, surrounded by fabulous artists who did me the honor of being there. I tell myself that after that, I could finally let Ycare die, or let him still a little singing… a few days, a few months… or MILLIONS OF YEARS. My finest work, my fifth studio album which will be released on October 14, 2022 is now available for pre-order “explained the singer-songwriter about this new project.

A special opus since it will include 11 duets! Among them, Zaz, Ibrahim Maalouf, Joyce Jonathan, Patrick Fiori but also Amel Bent. On instagramthe singer has released the recording of their song accompanied by this caption. “A MI MANERA with my friend Ycare on the album of millions of years which will be released on October 14, 2022. ‘In my own way’, a phrase that has stuck with me for a long time now… happy to share it with my friend and in a foreign language”she wrote. “In my heart”added in the comments, the ex-companion of the former Miss France, Malika Ménard. “Always My Friend”replied the one who recently became a mother for the third time.

In addition, the singer discovered in the New Star will be in concert at the Olympia on April 24, 2023.

Large family ‘Madre’

In an interview given to nice morningAmel Bent spoke about his family life. “I became the ‘madre’ of a large family”, said the mother of Sofia (6 years old), Hana (soon to be 5 years old) and Zayn (4 months). The 37-year-old artist had a very busy summer but was able to rely on those close to her to ensure her role as a mother and singer. “It’s doable with organization and fortunately I am well surrounded with the dad and the grannies, I can go to a concert with a light heart”. If her daughters have never gone to see her on stage, they are “came to the studio”. “They are there when I write, listen to me when I do telephone interviews. I try to offer them a form of serenity about the way they look at my work”.

See also: Amel Bent: Discover the interior of the singer’s incredible house in Neuilly-sur-Seine

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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