Forest industry | Quebec defends funding for the Boreal Forest Alliance

Quebec defends the large grant allocated to the Boreal Forest Alliance, saying that it fully meets its funding criteria.

The private organization made up of elected municipal officials defends positions favorable to the forest industry with public funds that it manages behind closed doors, showed a survey by The Press, Tuesday ; it notably hired lobbyists to put pressure on Quebec and Ottawa and chartered a plane to bring Ontario mayors to a demonstration in Lac-Saint-Jean.

The $202,500 grant, spread over the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, was paid by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAMH), which is thus the main funder of the organization.

The organization’s request for funding corresponded in all respects to the criteria of the Support Fund for the Outreach of the Regions, which aims to respond to “regional priorities”, explained to The Press Dominique Dufour, regional director for Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean at MAMH.

These priorities are defined by the elected representatives of the regions concerned, specified Mr. Dufour.

The elected officials who also sit on the Board of Directors of the Boreal Forest Alliance therefore directly developed the criteria by virtue of which the organization was able to obtain this funding.

The office of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Andrée Laforest, did not wish to comment on Tuesday.

The Minister of Natural Resources and Forests, Maïté Blanchette Vézina, did not indicate what influence the Boreal Forest Alliance could have on her ministry.

“Like all other organizations that lobby, the Boreal Forest Alliance must respect the applicable framework in this area,” simply replied its press officer, Flore Bouchon.

The Boreal Forest Alliance persists and signs

The proximity of the forest industry and the Boreal Forest Alliance is a “normality”, defended Tuesday the president of the organization and prefect of the regional county municipality (MRC) of Domaine-du-Roy, Yanick Baillargeon, in an interview on Radio-Canada radio in Saguenay.

He also defended himself from not consulting “environmentalists and ecologists”, claiming to have invited the forestry company Boisaco, which he considers exemplary in terms of sustainable development, to make a presentation at the “Rendez-vous of forest communities “, which will be held Thursday in Forestville, on the North Shore.

The professor of the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi (UQAC) Claude Villeneuve must also make a presentation there, underlines Mr. Baillargeon, who also claims to have “discussed” with the researcher of the University of Quebec in Rimouski (UQAR) Martin -Hugues St-Laurent, a caribou expert.

The latter described Yanick Baillargeon’s assertion as “recovery”.

“It was I who requested a meeting,” he told The Pressexplaining systematically communicate with the organization, like others, when erroneous assertions about caribou are made, in order to offer explanations.

As soon as they asked a question, I took out a scientific article for them. It put them off quite a bit, I debunked several of their arguments.

Martin-Hugues St-Laurent, University of Quebec at Rimouski

The president of the Boreal Forest Alliance has also once again affirmed that there is a lack of information on the situation of woodland caribou, arguing in particular that “there is no study currently being done on the impacts of climate change on the species directly”.

This statement is “false”, retorts Martin-Hugues St-Laurent, who rightly says that he presented scientific articles on this question during his meeting with the Boreal Forest Alliance.

Yanick Baillargeon also criticized the quality of the inventories of caribou herds carried out by Quebec.

The Minister of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks, Benoit Charette, did not want to respond to these remarks.

“We will have no reaction on the subject for the moment”, indicated his press officer, Mélina Jalbert.

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  • $17,772
    cost of chartering a plane for the Boreal Forest Alliance in 2016, paid by the MRC de Maria-Chapdelaine

    Source: Regional County Municipality (RCM) of Maria-Chapdelaine

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