Forest fires | Three fires worry the authorities

(Roberval) There are 137 wildfires burning across the province Thursday, but three of them are of greater concern. Those near Chibougamau, Normetal and Lebel-sur-Quévillon. Passing through Roberval, the Minister of Public Security, François Bonnardel, also announced that he is preparing to unveil a compensation program for citizens and municipalities affected by the forest fires.

“We are aware of the difficulties that many people experience, such as those who have lost their jobs in the forestry or labor sector. We are aware of the extraordinary expenses of the municipalities,” underlined Mr. Bonnardel.

“We are not going to abandon anyone,” he added during a press conference in Roberval, where a center has been set up to receive refugees from Chibougamau.

The Minister also provided an update on the fires raging across the province. Fire number 334, 15 kilometers from Chibougamau, has not progressed much since Wednesday thanks to lower temperatures and higher humidity.

A trench 40 meters wide was built on one side of the town to protect it from the fire. There have been no cuts to communications services in the area, despite fears.

“Normétal, we had a fear and we still have fears today. The fire is more or less 500 meters away. The fighters are on the ground. And the fire is not progressing, ”added Mr. Bonnardel.

In Lebel-sur-Quévillon, the fire progressed about fifteen kilometers. It is 15 km north of the city.

The weather is not encouraging for these three municipalities which are fighting the fires, added the Minister. Very little precipitation is expected in the next few days. Temperatures are even expected to rise slightly over the weekend, which will accentuate the level of drought.

Of the 137 fires, 35 are currently being fought by firefighters. Nearly 800 “fire fighters” work in the forests, a dozen planes and a dozen helicopters are in the air. Also, 80 soldiers will be sent to Chapais and western Abitibi on Friday.

“There have been no injuries for over a week. There are no deaths. There is no residence that has currently burned on the territory of Quebec. It’s a colossal job,” said the Minister. He admitted, however, that cabins and hunting camps were destroyed by the flames, but said he did not know the number.

Reinforcements from Portugal, Spain and Mexico are due to arrive by June 12. Quebec is studying the possibility of bringing in more firefighters and equipment from the United States.

12,600 people are currently being evacuated to Quebec. No other evacuation is planned in the short term, said the minister, to which the mayor of Chibougamau, Manon Cyr, replied: “Touch wood, minister”.

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