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France attracts foreign investors. According to the Elysée, foreign groups are preparing to invest four billion euros in 21 French projects. Figures unveiled at the 5th summit Choose France which takes place by videoconference. But is this French attractiveness sustainable?
Would France have returned to the center of the map? Since the establishment of the Choose France summit five years ago, 57 major investments have been announced. A total of 55 have been completed or are about to be. Thus, approximately 13,300 job creations have been programmed. Among these projects, there is the Toyota company located near Valenciennes (North). More than 300 million euros have been invested to increase production on the site. The manufacturer had also promised to recruit 700 people, a bet held for the company. An employee has just signed a permanent contract.
To attract them, the state massively lowered their taxes. “We will have to evaluate this tax policy over several years, even over decades, to really see the effects on activity in France”estimates Mathieu Plane, economist at theFrench Observatory of Economic Conditions (OFCE). Finally, among these projects, some were in fact already planned while others are creating controversy.