Ford | An extravagant electric van to tackle Pikes Peak

The American manufacturer Ford has chosen a rather original way to promote its electric vehicles: enter a highly modified minivan in the legendary Pikes Peak hill climb.

Last weekend, the Ford SuperVan 4.2 tamed this demanding and perilous 19.9 km route carved into a Colorado mountain. Composed of 156 bends, it gradually rises from 1440 m to 4302 m in altitude, sometimes causing sudden changes in conditions.


Two electric motors – one per axle for traction – produce a total of 1400 hp.

This SuperVan has two electric motors – one per axle for traction – producing a total of 1400 hp. This configuration eliminates the power loss of combustion engines at altitude. Engineers have given it a molded dress to generate up to 1996 kg of downforce at 241 km/h, another challenge due to the density of the air which decreases while climbing. Fascinating and very crazy!

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