Forbidden zone on radical Islam: A veiled student “trapped” by production, a complaint soon to be filed

Sunday January 23, 2022, M6 broadcast a new number of Restricted zone entitled Faced with the danger of radical Islam, the responses of the State. Several Muslims were invited to testify in front of the cameras of the chain. Among them, the young Lilia Bouziane, law student who has already spoken on the set of Do not touch My TV (C8) notably against Jean Messiha. At Cyril Hanouna, she spoke live. In Restricted zoneshe says she was fooled.

I was trappedshe assures in video on Instagram Monday January 24, 2022, the day after the broadcast of the program. I was quietly in my room revising when I received messages from everywhere telling me that I was on the report of Restricted zone which talks about radical Islam. I let you imagine the shock. I even wondered: ‘What the hell am I doing on this report? What image is there to exploit?’

Thus, Lilia Bouziane, “very surprised“to see yourself in this issue of Restricted zonerecounts having been approached for a report on a very different theme, “which aimed to highlight young people, youth and their point of view on secularism“. A mission accepted by the future lawyer, “happy to share [son] daily for 48 hours“. But of these two days of filming, only a few selected sequences were released.”You only saw a few minutes. We completely skipped the passages that were ameliorative because it does not interest a girl who wears a veil and teaches eloquence“, regrets Lila Bouziane.

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