“For us, it’s a lesson” – Martin St-Louis

Even if he retired to the locker room down two goals, the Canadian had had a good first period. Things started to go wrong in the second when the locals started to follow each other on the penalty bench.

• Read also: Steven Stamkos: cast by Martin St-Louis

• Read also: The Lightning rules; 3rd loss in a row for CH

“You can take a penalty when you take away a scoring chance from the opponent, but we shoot ourselves in the foot by receiving penalties in the neutral zone and in the opposing zone. »

–Jonathan Drouin

In the morning, Martin St-Louis recalled that the Lightning had established a standard that all teams sought to copy. His men had a good example of how far they will have to go to get there.

“It’s a very experienced team. They are good in all facets of the game. For us, it’s a lesson, it’s learning. It allows us to see what we want to try to become. »

–Martin St-Louis

During this meeting, St-Louis had chosen to place Josh Anderson to the right of Cole Caufield and Nick Suzuki. After two periods, this unit had still not fired any shots and had allowed two goals.

“I think we played very well. We circulated the puck a lot. But it’s true that we gave two goals. We made a few mistakes. It can’t happen, especially against this team. »

–Nick Suzuki

Nevertheless, Suzuki was the Canadian’s sole scorer. On the footage, all credit goes to Kaiden Guhle. The defender intercepted a breakout before serving a fake to an opponent and handing the puck to his captain.

“I got the puck and pulled out a few tricks. I passed to Suzie and he scored. At this point in the game and with a score deficit, I could afford a more risky game. »

–Kaiden Guhle

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