The head of the list of the Socialist Party and Place publique in the European elections in June was the guest of “Demain l’Europe” on franceinfo, Friday.
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“For two years, we have not been there” to “militarily equip the Ukrainian resistance“, estimated Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the PS-Place publique list in the European elections, guest of Tomorrow Europe this Friday on franceinfo. “What we need to do is restart our production and impose the prioritization of production for the Ukrainian front“, he continued.
“Ukraine must be integrated into the European Union, but this will not happen in two minutes, it is a long process“, also defended Raphael Glucksmann. “Ukraine must reform, must integrate what we call the Community acquis, on issues of corruption, oligarchy (…) And on the other hand, the EU itself must reform. If we integrate Ukraine, it will not be done, for example, under a constant Common Agricultural Policy. We must reform the CAP”he explained.