for the series “Stranger Things”, Nora Felder put Kate Bush back at the top of the charts

Running up that hilltitle by Kate Bush from 1985, was the hit of the summer of 2022. On May 30, after the broadcast of the first episodes of season 4 on Netflix, the listenings of this song had “increased by 8,700% worldwide” on Spotify, according to data from the music platform, No. 1 on the market. And the most curious have even gone as far as other old titles from the Englishwoman, since listening to her repertoire has “increased by 1,600%” on Spotify at the same time.

“It’s not just about sitting down with a song idea” : the American Nora Felder talks about her role as musical coordinator of the hit series Stranger Thingsspringboard for an old piece of Kate Bush returned to the top of the charts.

“It’s amazing! We knew it would be special, because when we used the Should I stay or should I go of the Clash in Season 1, there was a jump in viewing, with renewed interest and new interest. But we did not imagine the magnitude for Kate Bush“, confides Nora Felder, joined by telephone.

The Emmy Award, a prestigious American award received this year for his work on Stranger Things, now allows her to speak in front of a larger audience during the conferences she leads. As she will do this week at the Parisian music festival MaMA (which had already invited her before she was in the spotlight). “People think all you have to do is come up with a great song and that’s it!” laughs about her activity the American, with this last expression dropped in French.

“In reality, we coordinate all the aspects around the music of a project, whether it’s the creative part – choosing music – but also the definition of budgets, the negotiation of rights, determining whether it is better to create a soundtrack and engage composer and musicians”details the one who also worked for the series Californication and Ray Donovan.

Grown up in Washington, the 50-year-old has a solid background in the music industry. She had notably worked in New York, first as a programmer in a club, before being spotted and recruited by producer Phil Ramone for recordings by Paul Simon, Sinead O’Connor, Cyndi Lauper or Iggy Pop.

The one who has now set up her company in Los Angeles knew that Kate Bush was “very selective” for the use of his repertoire. “I took a lot of time to reach out to his reps, lay out what that meant for the story, the characters.” “When we got the green light, it was a big relief, because this song ticks all the boxes for this passage of the series”.

At the time of the discussions, the musical coordinator did not know that Kate Bush was a fan of the series. Running up that hill is a pop song, which was successful when it was released almost 40 years ago. This is not the case of Master of puppets of Metallica, whose plays have swelled on the platforms following its use in Stranger Things. It’s a pure metal title, with a complex structure, far from the ballad Nothing else matters which had allowed Metallica to pass on the radios with great listening.

“This song sticks to the character of Eddie, which everyone loves: some refuse metal like one refuses to open a book because of its cover, but thanks to the character of Eddie, the spectators opened the book and liked this Metallica track”dissects Nora Felder.

In return, on the day of his Emmy nomination, the Californian group had flowers and a collector’s box delivered to him. Master of puppetsalbum from 1986. “And they even follow me on their networks, when I saw that, I was like Oh, that’s great, that’s Metallica! I’m still a kid when it comes to music”.

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