The elected Les Républicains calls for “a global vision” on immigration, in an interview with “Parisien”.
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Gérard Larcher reiterated, on Saturday April 22, his opposition to a presentation of the immigration bill divided into several texts. “Two weeks ago, I was opposed to us engaging in this necessary [sur l’immigration] in the wake of the law on pensions. We needed a period of calm”first recalled the president Les Républicains du Sénat, in an interview with the Parisian. The examination of the text, which was to begin on March 28 in public session in the Upper House, was finally postponed “sine die”.
“I told the President and the Prime Minister that there was no question of having a piecemeal law”continued Gérard Larcher, who had already opposed in March a text “sausage”. “On this subject, a global vision is needed to discuss the right to asylum, family reunification, labor or student immigration, but also integration and co-development.”
“We have passed twenty-one laws in twenty years, so we finally need an effective law that regulates migratory flows when they have resumed massively”, further estimated Senator LR. On Friday morning, the Minister of the Interior also said he was in favor of a “strong text on immigration”, during an interview on franceinfo. Gérald Darmanin added that he would like the law “be brought before Parliament as soon as possible”.