for the MoDem group, it is “really not an emergency”

A bill from the Renaissance group is being examined on Tuesday to make the European flag compulsory on the facade of town halls, a measure deemed not “fundamental in these times”, according to a MoDem deputy, Tuesday on franceinfo.

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The French and European flags on the forecourt of the Elysée, in May 2022. (XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS)

“We consider that it is really not an emergency”, admits Tuesday, May 9 on franceinfo Jean-Louis Bourlanges, MoDem deputy for Hauts-de-Seine and president of the Foreign Affairs Committee, about the presence of the European flag on the facade of French town halls, alongside the French flag. This bill of the deputies of the Renaissance group, on this day of Europe, is examined this Tuesday at the National Assembly.

For Jean-Louis Bourlanges, “the French expect a lot from the government”but not necessarily this measure deemed not “fundamental these days” and no “priority”. Jean-Louis Bourlanges speaks from elsewhere “extremely secondary issues”. According to MP MoDem, flags should not pass “by measures introducing obligation and constraint”. Above all, the chosen one does not want “it prevents town halls from putting up other forms of flags”. He cites in particular the example of regional flags “as is the case in Brittany”.

Nevertheless, and to avoid creating confusion, the MoDem group will “vote” this text, explains Jean-Louis Bourlanges, “because it would be misunderstood for the MoDem to distance itself from a European project”. The deputy also wants to reassure after the abstention on this text of the elected MoDem last week in the Parliamentary Committee. No “fundamental conflict” for the elected “nothing to see differences between us that do not exist”he adds.

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