“For the love of God, this man must not stay in power”, says Joe Biden about Vladimir Putin


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During a speech delivered in Warsaw, Poland, the American president attacked the Russian president.

The words are strong. US President Joe Biden lashed out at Vladmir Putin during a speech in Warsaw, Poland, on March 26, imploring, “For the love of God, this man must not stay in power”. The American head of state had called the Russian president a “Butcher” during a visit to a refugee camp earlier in the day.

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During his speech, Joe Biden defended the sanctions imposed on Russia. “It is a form of economic diplomacy that is the equal of military forcedid he declare. By undermining financial power, we are undermining the power to fund war.” The Head of State assured that Vladimir Putin is the “offending” in this war and the Russian people “is not our enemy”.

The American president assured that the United States is “to defend NATO allies”. “American forces are not in Europe to engage in conflict with Russian forces”he added, referring to the “sacred duty constituted by article 5” of the Alliance, which provides for collective defense in the event of an attack on one of the members.

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