for the fourth time, Cédric Jubillar’s request for release is rejected

Suspected of having killed his wife, the husband of Delphine Jubillar has been in pre-trial detention since last June.

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Cédric Jubillar’s request for release was once again rejected by the investigating chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal, franceinfo learned on Tuesday March 22 from one of his lawyers. She had been examined on March 15.

This file is empty, this man must be released“, reacted Me Alexandre Martin. “This poses a problem in the way justice is done in France, how pre-trial detention is managed, and how the presumption of innocence is ensured.“, he added.

This is the man’s fourth request for release in nine months. Cédric Jubillar is suspected of having killed his wife, Delphine Jubillar, who has been missing since mid-December 2020. Her body has not yet been found. Cedric Jubillar has been indicted for “voluntary spousal homicide”. He has been detained since June 18, 2021.

If we are not making progress on Delphine Jubillar’s research, it is because we are starting from the postulate that it is Cédric Jubillar. When we look for another postulate, another culprit, maybe we will find it“, continued another lawyer for Cédric Jubillar, Emmanuelle Franck.

The 34-year-old painter and plasterer has always denied his involvement in the disappearance of his wife and his lawyers regularly make requests for his release. The first three had already been refused in July 2020, in September 2021 and the last January 14.

Last week, above Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn), the gendarmes were to continue their search for the nurse using special drones. Large-scale excavations, carried out for three weeks at the end of January-beginning of February near the couple’s house in Cagnac-les-Mines, had yielded nothing.

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