The American brand, created more than a century ago, has reinvented itself, moving from soles to running shoes. The brand is banking on sport and lifestyle to continue to develop.
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New Balance was born in 1906 in the United States. But at first, it wasn’t about shoes. “We made orthopedic insoles, says Claire Boulanger, France marketing director of New Balance. The name comes from the balance of chickens whose legs rest on three elements.” A new balance, observed in his garden, by founder William R. Riley.
Take advantage of the running boom
In 1972, New Balance was purchased by its current owner, Jim Davis. Who benefits from “boom of sport and running”, explains Claire Boulanger, to get started in sports shoes. The brand arrived in France a few years later, in 1980.
New Balance is growing, but is experiencing a sharp slowdown in 2020-2021, due to Covid. The activity then restarts very strongly, since 2023 is a record year with more than 6 billion dollars in turnover worldwide.
“People have returned to practicing sport, and then we also offer a range of everyday, more lifestyle products, explains the French marketing director of New Balance. What is sought in particular by young people. Hence this strong development, with +35% growth on the European market.”
Short-term ecological objectives
Great prospect in 2024: the Paris Games. For the first time, the brand will be represented by more than a hundred athletes. “The idea is to make the brand visible, to make our products known” says Claire Boulanger.
Products manufactured mainly in the United States. With environmental objectives: 100% renewable energy and a zero waste policy. From 2025, New Balance, accused along with Adidas of greenwashing in recent years, also wants to reduce its carbon footprint and achieve 100% sustainable leather and biosourced cotton.