for the first time, the United States will supply Kyiv with cluster bombs


Video length: 2 min.


The White House justified itself on Friday, July 7, for its decision to provide Ukraine with cluster bombs to help kyiv fight against the Russian invasion. The United States had never before given the Ukrainians such armaments.

The United States will supply cluster bombs to Ukraine for the first time, thus crossing a heading important in thes kinds of armaments books in kyiv, which is still facing Russian invasion. The White House justified itself at length, Friday, July 7, for this decision denounced by the NGOs.

anti-personnel mines

That is why we have postponed this decision as long as possible. But there is also a massive risk of civilian injuries, if Russian troops and tanks roll into Ukrainian positions, take more Ukrainian territory and subjugate more Ukrainian civilians.“, pleaded Jake Sullivan, adviser to the White House national security. These bombs disperse a multitude of small explosives : from a few tens to more than 600. Some more or less mine does not explode and buries itself in the ground, thus falling into the category of anti-personnel mines.

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